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Putting Client Connectivity at the Heart of our Payroll Services

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As we continue to further develop our payroll services that we provide to our customers, we are introducing a new application for both our clients and their employees called BrightPay Connect.

This is an optional add-on product to the payroll software and will put client connectivity at the heart of our payroll services.

The main reason for introducing this is to make sure that all communications which are now sharply in focus, are fully GDPR compliant.

You will have access to an employer dashboard where you can view all of your payroll reports that we have prepared for you, along with being able to view all HMRC payments and reference numbers, amongst many other advanced features.

Your employees will also enjoy access to a self-service portal where they can view their payslips on a secure smartphone application that they can download for free from the App Store, plus they can also book annual leave and view all annual leave taken, and view the number of days remaining if you like.

BrightPay Connect will also enable employees to securely receive their payslips, P60s and any other documents on their BrightPay Connect portal such as new health and safety procedures, updated contracts, auto-enrolment pension details, company handbooks and updated rosters.

Your employees will then have access to these at all times, in the palm of their hand.

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